Saturday, October 23, 2010
Men's Killer Online Dating Profile Tip!
I know what you are going through and it can be a lonely place when you aren't getting the results you desire. In this situation you have to hang in there and never give up!
Tip #1
Test your replies from what you write in your first and second emails. Save your emails in a file and use the ones that get the most replies as templates...everyone is unique though.
You must comment on personal things she has written in her profile. To show you have made the effort to find out something about her.
And remember, nothing works 100% of the time.
I still scratch my head when a profile ignores my interest...and I match her criteria well...go figure.
I've just finished dating a lady and am back in the internet dating game...
And loving thing about using online dating sites is that whenever you find yourself single, you can be comfortable in the knowledge that it is only a matter of time before you meet someone else.
Or just enjoy dating a few different ladies until you do...
It's the most efficient / effective way to date that I'm aware of...
There is a LOT of women using online dating sites. This is good news for us healthy single men who don't like hanging out in smoky bars and clubs.
I'm about to reveal a killer profile tip which I'm certain I've never revealed before.
I was aware of it but never really made the effort to use it.
As I was preparing a new profile name, photo and text to go back online, I decided to make the effort.
The results have been pretty darn good, and I've only been back online for four weeks or so!
It's got the type of women I'm interested in meeting, to contact me straight away.
No messing about with virtual kisses and then me having to pay for the contact.
They contacted me and sent their mobile number with the email!
Yehaa! I like that. :-]
Are you ready, let's look at it,
Here it is;
Men's Killer Profile Tip!
When editing or making up your profile, pretend you are a copywriter.
By this I mean imagine you have been paid by a company to write a profile convincing a client to be interested in that company's goods.
So to do that you need to tell the reader this;
Read profiles of men in your area and age group to scope out the competition.
Notice how often they use the word ' I.'
So you'll see they are focusing on themselves, instead of the reader.
This is good for you, so that your profile will stand out from the crowd.
For example;
Instead of writing, 'I love going to the beach for a swim.'
Write it this way, 'Do you enjoy going to the beach for a walk and a swim?'
Subtle difference, but it works!
Instead of this, 'I like to cook.'
Write it, 'Do you like your man to cook for you while having a glass of wine together.'
Get the idea?
So why not edit your profile and delete as many ' I's ' as you can.
Or set up a new one on a different site and see the results...
You will notice the difference quickly.
Focus on what you think the type of women that interests YOU, would like to read and do.
I think you get the picture with this and I won't bother with endless examples.
This truly is a KILLER tip!
Try it out and good luck to you!
So instead of writing the word 'I,' rephrase it and use the word 'you.'
Simple but effective and gets good results.
Until next time and more dating tips, keep smiling...
The Top Five Mistakes Men Make Dating Online!
Mistake#1. Having a Boring, Average Profile!
Common mistake guys make.
You have to put some decent time and effort into the profile.
You MUST shine above the masses.
Tip one is to have an interesting / different profile with some humour.
Tip two is to have nothing negative in your profile. And a good photo!
Mistake#2. Placing too High a Value On a Potential Date!
This is another instinctive mistake made when first starting out.
Your mind plays tricks on you and you put the lady on a pedestal before even meeting her!
Particularly if you haven't had a date for a while.
Tip one, Treat every potential date as an opportunity for YOU to check HER out and see if you fancy her!
Tip two, NEVER expect to meet the love of your life on a first date.
This way you will never be disappointed and sometimes very pleased.
Mistake#3. Not Meeting Quickly Enough!
Did this myself for far too long.
The longer you leave it before you meet, the less likely it is to happen.
So forget about emailing for months and getting all worked up over email.
As soon as possible, meet for coffee and a chat to see if you like each other.
This will save you a lot of time and energy.and disappointments.
Tip one, Ask for a coffee date in the first two weeks of emails.
Tip two, if she doesn't agree to meet, move on and don't worry about it.
There are plenty more.
Mistake#4. Emailing Interstate and Overseas Profiles!
I did this as well when I first started dating online.
It's tempting to do but is a complete waste of your time, energy and focus.
Unless you are rich and have a lot of spare time, don't bother with interstate and overseas profiles.
What's the odds of you ever really hooking up?
Very little.
Why would they be better than someone local?
Tip one, only focus and contact women in your immediate area.
Tip two, keep it down to 100 km radius from your home. This will
Keep your expenses and time travels down.
Mistake#5. Not Calling the Meeting Cafe!
This is more important than it sounds. Women like to be lead by a decisive man. So call the cafe, time and date.
If she can't make it when you suggest, reschedule to suit her.
She will get the impression you are not timid and are comfortable making decisions.this is good.
Tip one, make the first date during a week night. This will suggest you have a life and are busy on the weekend.
Tip two, be relaxed at the coffee date. Don't mention past partners or that you haven't dating anyone for a long time. Just have some fun and BE happy.
Avoiding these five mistakes will save you a lot of time, money, energy and focus with online dating. They will prevent you from quitting before you start getting the results you desire and deserve.
Have fun and many happy seductions..
Online Dating Secrets
This will prevent you from losing interest and focus on meeting women online.
This will save you money and heartache.
OK, OK, what is it you ask?
Here it is for FREE, to you from Mick Jones, Author of 'How To Meet Women On The Internet'
When I first started dating online I made a BIG mistake. I emailed contacts I had met for MONTHS before meeting them.
This was not good.
Because it's a waste of time...
Here is the secret;
You MUST meet your lady as soon as possible after contacting them!
I recommend no more than two weeks or four emails from first reply.
This prevents you from losing momentum and building up high expectations of the lady contact.
What's the point of spending time, energy and focus on someone you haven't actually met?
Believe me, it can be disappointing meeting someone you imagined was perfect to find them not suitable for you after six weeks of emails.
So the key is to meet them QUICKLY, so that you can qualify her and meet again if it's on and move on quickly and happily if it's not.
This enables you to use your time and energy more effectively, meet more contacts and have more success.
It also increases your odds of meeting someone suitable to get involved with a whole lot quicker.
So never forget, dating is a numbers game and you need to be active.
Don't get caught up in email novels before you meet. Keep it short and funny to create mystic and compel her to want to meet you.
That's the only secret I'm revealing in this article! :-]
For our Free Newsletter and e-book on Online Dating Secrets, go here to check it out...
5 Massive Reasons To Date Online!
Announcing five massive reasons why single men should use online dating!
How to meet more women than you could possible have time to date.
Let's look at the reasons.
Massive Reason #1. Convenience!
From the comfort and privacy of your own home you can relax with a cup of tea or coffee, and scroll through an assortment of potential women to meet and date!
You can even have a beer or a glass of wine while doing it.
Instead of late nights in smoky bars and going home disappointed.and wake up smelling and feeling like an ashtray.
Unhealthy, smoky bars are boring and drunks don't interest me. Then there's the loud thumping music where you have to shout at each other to be heard.
Where at home and in your own time, you can go online and pick a suitable profile to email and organize to meet.
I love doing this.
So for pure convenience and ease, online dating is the number one place for meeting women!
Online dating is a major breakthrough for single men.
You can meet women you wouldn't otherwise ever have the opportunity to meet!
Therefore it creates an even playing field for men who otherwise don't enjoy trying to 'pull' women in bars.
By learning some basic skills and getting experience, any man can succeed online.
Massive Reason #2. Not Having To Face Rejection by Approaching Women Cold!
This is a major bonus for guys who are recently divorced, split up and have lost their confidence and experience with meeting women.
It is the best way to ease back into the dating scene.
You don't have to boldly approach a woman in public and get her number for a date.
You do it online via email, with no nervousness to deal with at all.
And if you contact a profile and she ignores your email, so what?
You just move on to another until you find one to meet, easy!
Therefore you are not confronted with your fear of being rejected in public, with online dating.
And if you do get ignored or knocked back, no one knows but you and it doesn't MATTER.
There are plenty more to choose from.
And by the time you meet, you've already chatted via email and on the phone so there is no need to be nervous when you meet her for coffee.
Massive Reason #3. Confidence Building!
You gain confidence by meeting women online and having success with seduction.
This is a massive benefit.
When I divorced after nine years I was nervous approaching women and had little success.
Once I had been online dating for six months I was back on my feet with women.
I now have the belief and confidence to approach and meet women everywhere.
I also have more skill at handling cold women and rejection when it happens.
Because I've learnt that it's impossible to succeed 100% of the time.
Every No means you are closer to a Yes.
So if you are not getting rejected, you aren't in the game!
You HAVE to be in the game!
The confidence you get meeting and seducing women online will lead you to meeting the perfect lady for you. Whether that is online or offline. It's getting the experience that is important.
As Tony Robbins would say, "Repetition is the mother of skill."
Massive Reason #4. The Infinite Amount of Suitable Women!
It truly is an infinite amount of women available online to meet.
By having such a large pool of single women to contact, there is no need to ever be short of at least one date a week.
It's just a case of being organized and only contacting local women to make the most of your time.
There will be anything from two to thirty two different sites in your region to join and check out profiles.
There is also many NEW women joining everyday.this will continue forever!
So it's a must for single men to get good at online dating.
You can never run out of women to contact. Even if you exhaust one service you can try another. By the time you've gone through all suitable profiles to meet on the other service, the original one will have new stock!
Online dating is also very affordable!
Massive Reason #5. Ease of Finding Suitable Partners!
By creating your own criteria and sticking to it, you can find someone suitable so much quicker than offline.
That is of course if they are honest in their profile.
(Which sometimes they aren't.)
This saves you a lot of time and money by having criteria.
For example, I don't date women with children.
Which is hard in my age group.
But dating women with kids will never work out for me, so I just have to stick with my criteria.
I also don't date smokers anymore.
So the more experience and confidence you get. The more definitive your criteria get.
By narrowing my criteria I have meet some great ladies a lot quicker than if I had dated just anyone who would go out with me.
Also when you approach someone in a bar you know nothing about them.
Online you get to know a reasonable amount before you make contact.
This really does increase your odds of meeting suitable partners.
I love online dating.I much prefer it to bars as an alternative.
It's paved the way for me to be comfortable when I am single. Because I know there is a LOT of suitable women online and I'll be back dating a nice lady sometime soon..
Dating After Loss of a Spouse
Some days the road is more difficult than others days. At times, you feel enveloped in a mist of uncertainty. Even small decisions can sometimes stretch past your point of coping.
Personal decisions are just that, personal. What is suitable for anyone must be decided individually. Sometimes you have to let go of preconceived notions of the correct way to act and grieve.
I began dating too early, about a year after my husband passed away. I was incredibly lonely and in a real oxymoron, I was determined to be happy again, at any cost to myself. So, I started dating through online sites and I kept attracting the wrong type of man. Takers, emotionally unavailable, surface daters, serial daters, men who mirrored my own uncertainty about my readiness to date again.
None of these connections turned out to be anything substantial. In a fog of grief, I yearned to find someone to love, and yet I knew these men were wrong for me. They were just a short ride on a ferry to nowhere special. It was brought home to me gradually, through my dating experiences, that I had to value myself more than what I was doing. I couldn't settle with a partner just to have someone in my life. I deserved more. My dates deserved more than someone still traveling through grief.
In those early days, I was as unavailable as the men I dated. If I had realized this, perhaps I would have run fast in the opposite direction, but in two instances I hung on to a flagging relationship, hoping things would change. Of course they did not.
Gradually, I came to realize that I had to stop setting myself up for disappointment in relationships. How could I attract the right partner, unless I was equally ready for a commitment?
I made the decision to bring my standards up to a new level and part of this process involved not dating for over a year. Only then did I start meeting the quality of man that my higher consciousness demanded. I was no longer wasting my time, or theirs, in surface dating, where both of us knows after one date there is no chemistry or real interest.
We all deserve better for ourselves than settling in a relationship just to alleviate the loneliness. It is difficult being alone when you are used to so much more, but I have chosen to remain so until the right partner comes along. It's a personal decision, and for me, there is no other choice.
Six Wonderful Reasons To Make Love Now
Although there is no question about how you feel about each other, in fact, your feeling has even become more deep and secured, but somehow the sexual spark has died, and the burning flame of passion burned down. You love each other so much, but most of the time, you just want to read a book or watch the TV or have go to sleep, rather than have sexual intercourse to your partner.
Maybe all you need is a sexual catalyst or just a little reminder how great and beneficial sex if for your relationship and well-being.
Here are wonderful reasons to make love to your partner, when you feel like using the, “I have a headache” excuse.
* You promised to. Even though you didn’t really specifically said, “to love, to honour and to make love three times a week,” but when you promised to love, and to hold, for richer and for poorer, it goes without saying that sex would be a part of that promise. I hate to say it ladies, but yes, it is your obligation.
* When you do it, it lessens the stress and eases the pain. Orgasm triggers oxytocin and endorphins which has an amnesic and anaesthetic effects that can last for as long as five hours. So in that period of five hours, you’ll forget about your pains, your worries, and your anxieties. So stop with your, “I have your headache” excuse, cause sexual intercourse actually relieves your headache.
* When you make love, it will put you in a good light. Every time you have sex and makes it as pleasant as possible. Your partner’ brain will relate you into something that is wonderful and pleasant. This is the main reason why couples who never ceases to have wonderful sex still find their partner irresistibly adorable. So, if you want to be irresistible to your honey bunch, think twice before you refuse to have sexual intercourse to him.
* When you make love, it fires up the passion. It’s the passion that keeps your relationship special and intimate, it's what separates you from being his best friend or confidant. It’s not that there is something wrong as being his best bud, but it’s nice to his all around girl. It makes your man loyal and faithful, because all he was looking for in a woman are all rolled into one in you.
* When you make love, it makes you lose weight. Have you been dying to get rid of that love handles? Or wanting to fit into that skinny jeans of yours? Then double time with sexual action, because you can lose a minimum of two hundred calories.
* When you make love, it makes your heart healthier. That’s literally and figuratively speaking. But literally speaking, women who have sex more often have higher levels of estrogen that protect the heart against disease.
I can tell you a hundred more reasons to have sex tonight, but this is it for now. I hope these are enough reasons to jazz up your sex life.
Getting A Lover Back -- Rebound Relationship During Break Up Period Helps Reconciliation?
A rebound relationship is one where you (or your partner if they're the one rebounding) are still affected by a previous significant relationship. Does this mean the break up cannot be saved anymore in view of the rebound relationship? So the hope of getting back together is smashed? Dun lose hope yet, rebound relationship is not going to shoot your hope down.
You will first need to understand the cause for a rebound relationship to happen. Getting involved in a rebound relationship can help your ex to move on instead of bothering them with the frustrations and pains of a break up. It helps them to move on from a real love.
When real love existed in a past relationship, the break up can be repaired. If both of you have real and true love for each other, there is always a good possibility of getting a lover back despite a rebound relationship.
When your ex is dating someone, she may think of the cause of the break up that was founded on real love.
Your ex will tend to choose someone that is of different characteristic to you. Hence if you are a 'nice decent quiet guy', she will probably be hanging out with an 'active, energetic outspoken guy'.
It is not a bad thing if your ex choose something different as it takes time to develop the interest compared to what she was already comfortable with. The tendency of her mind and heart for you still remains when she finds something she dislikes with the new guy she is dating. The wonderful time you shared with you ex out of true love will not disappear easily. You may want to find out what was lacking in you that she is looking for. This may be a good time to reflect and improve yourself.
You dun have to be unduly worried over her rebound relationship. She will discover more and more flaws and weaknesses exposed from the new guy over time. After some time, she may understand the dislikes for you may not be too bad compared to the one that she is trying out with. Of course you would need to have improved yourself during the period of her rebound relationship so that she is convinced of her decision to get back to you seeing the changes you have made. Getting a lover back is realizing soon.
This shows that leaving your ex alone even if she may get into a rebound relationship is not a bad thing. As she develops and move on, she will be reminded of the happy memories with you. When the time comes to be back with you, receive her back with open arms and dun mention about her rebound relationship failure. This is not
the time to play hard to get please.
Uniform Dating - Tips on Choosing the Perfect Profile Picture
Okay, now they say that a picture paints a thousand words. You would want those painted words to be bright, colorful, positive words, don't you? You would not want your picture to be able to paint the gloomy, morose, and negative pictures. Trust me. Pictures allow people to see who you really are.
Now, men are visual creatures, they say that women bank more on those who are more sensitive emotionally, but believe me, we also go for those singles who are attractive, especially on photos. Ever remember being attracted to a girl/guy before you even get to talk to them? The physical appearance of other people is what draws us to them first most of the time. Especially in cyberspace where you can't really have a face-to-face conversation, it's important to put a face to match the profile and the personality.
Okay, so before you post any picture, DON'T. You cannot just post any picture in your file because you have to pick the best possible picture! Not just any picture will do. But before you do even that, ask yourself these two questions first:
1. Who would you like to attract? This question can also be phrased as, "Who are your targets?" or "What kind of person would you want to take notice of you?" This is important to know because your personality in your picture must reflect the personality of those people who you want to be with you and those who you want to get to know more. In Uniform Dating where singles are abound, there aren't only a few hundred members, but there are thousands of available singles. So you need to know who you want to attract and let your picture speak for you. If you want a "serious" partner, then post a "serious" picture, not one of you in a bar. Let your personality and the personality of the person you are looking for come out in your picture.
2. What is your best asset? Everyone has a best asset, and I mean everyone. Find a picture of you that shows your best side. Now, if there is something exceptional about you, show that I your picture too. Emphasize the best in you. If friends say you have a killer smile, then flaunt it. Never be afraid to flaunt what you have, but do not be too sexy, or exaggerated in your picture because that's a huge turn-off to most singles.
Friday, August 27, 2010
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For the men looking on Anastasia to find a woman from Russia. This website is one of the safest you will find. I have been using this site, off and on around 4 years plus several other dating sites. Anastasia is safest.
I used the services of Anastasia to meet the ladies by email, then Anastasia phone. To keep a business going like they do, requires money or no business to offer this kind of protection and service. So don't worry about the credits required as I once did, just be wise.
These women are real. Going to visit a Russian girl is the only way. I encourage you to use Anastasia when you start your search.
Also keep in mind Gentelman — these women are people, like you, they worry about whom they might meet, they don't want to play games. You may contact me if you want 100% proof, that this is a great website, it's always improving and it is fair and friendly people to work with.